Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Even the Sun and the earth will decay and destroy.
One day even this Sun and this whole earth will decay and finally destroy. Then the human may be born in an another solar system earth and Sun which was produced early as suitable for Humans.
I am strongly believe I am Sakadagami
I am Strongly believe I am Sakadagami Once returner.
My states of attaining Parinirvana
How many Worlds are available like the earth in whatever number of universe A Lord Buddha or Pratyeka Buddha could be arisen after the formation of that earth.Before that there may not be a Buddha So I might be unable to get the confirmation from any of them to be a future Lord Buddha,Pratyeka ,Buddha…
I wish all the beings dead because of me during Sansara must be reborn in Tusitha heaven and attain Sovan,Sakurdagami,Angami,Arahant or even Lord Buddha states and Attain Parinirvana early as possible.And Destroy my all the demerits which obstruct me to attain Arahant,Pratyeka Buddha or Lord Buddha states due to the merits of this donation.
Gain Super Natural Powers as a Buddha
I wish to gain Super Natural powers as A Lord Buddha or a Pratyeka Buddha as soon as possible Ability to concentrate to Thejo samapaththi like Sagatha Arahant Thero 01.I can emit fire from any part of the body 02.That Fire could be low powerful or either powerful than the fire in Sun 03.That fire…
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