Ability to concentrate to Thejo samapaththi like Sagatha Arahant Thero
01.I can emit fire from any part of the body
02.That Fire could be low powerful or either powerful than the fire in Sun
03.That fire can destroy a bullet or more than 1000 bullets coming from a Gun
04.That fire can destroy any substance comming to my body from a Bomb either a nuclear bomb or 1000 nuclear bombs.
That fire will never harm my own body unless I wish to do so
If I kill atleast any small being using those fire,it could be subject to killing a being karma.
Replicate and project bodily images of oneself,
My mind should be powerful enough to produce whatever body I wish and it should be appeared infront of others or me as a tangible or intangible way I wish
Earth element (pruṭhavī-dhātu)
Earth element represents the quality of solidity or attractive forces. Any matter where attractive forces are in prominence (solid bodies) are called earth elements. Internal earth elements include head hair, body hair, nails, teeth, skin, flesh, sinews, bone, organs, intestinal material, etc.[9]
(When I wish take them from the universe and create a similar body in an another place if it is tangible otherwise get the support of light element and create a similar intangible body )
Water element (āpa-dhātu)
Water element represents the quality of liquidity or relative motion. Any matter where relative motion of particles is in prominence are called water elements. Internal water elements include bile, phlegm, pus, blood, sweat, fat, tears, nasal mucus, urine, semen, etc.[10]
(When I wish take them from the universe and create a similar body in an another place if it is tangible otherwise get the support of light element and create a similar intangible body )
Fire element (teja-dhātu)
Fire element represents the quality of heat or energy. Any matter where energy is in prominence are called fire elements. Internal fire elements include those bodily mechanisms that produce physical warmth, ageing, digestion, etc.
(When I wish take them from the universe and create a similar body in an another place if it is tangible otherwise get the support of light element and create a similar intangible body )
Air (or wind) element (vāyu-dhātu)
Air element represents the quality of expansion or repulsive forces. Any matter where repulsive forces are in prominence are called air elements. Internal air elements includes air associated with the pulmonary system (for example, for breathing), the intestinal system (“winds in the belly and bowels”), etc.
(When I wish take them from the universe and create a similar body in an another place if it is tangible otherwise get the support of light element and create a similar intangible body )
Make oneself invisible
When I wish My body should be dissapered from Ordinary people’s vision and from whoever I wish
And If I wish my tangible body also should be disapered and appear in whereever in the universe
All those 4 to 5 elements will be dissolved and create a small or big body from invisible objects like air)
Pass through solid objects,
If I wish my body will be.converted as possible to pass from any solid object
Sink into solid ground,
All those 4 to 5 elements will be dissolved and create a body from elements which can travel through hard objects like waves)
Walk on water in any oceans, rivers, etc,If I wish ,my body will be adjusted to walk in a water
When I wish Water elements density will be increased
I should see whole universe to decide to wherever I will fly.
Arahant Anuruddha easily got this even before become arahant due to previous merits of lights puja
I should be able to sustain in any environment in the universe including to a surface without oxigen,hot,cool ,high air presure
If I can sutain in a wave body which can go inside the earth this is even possible.
I should be able to measure the distant to anywhere in the universe from anywhere in the univerese.And control flying speed and calculate the time of travelling
Eg:If I start travelling from earth to moon around 1 am I can fly in to moon around half an hour if I fly around 10000 miles per hour.
I should see any distant without any obstruction.
This also taken easily by an Arahant Anurudhdha even before an Arahant by previous merits
☆My body will be having natural ability to produce and give a force against the gravity
As a god will not push me against the gravity
I should get the earth elements supports to get this force from the air ,request gravity to make zero against my body from the earth,force from fire element,Receive water element support for receive a force,
Touch the Sun and Moon with one’s hand,
My body cannot be destroyed by any condition in the universe
Ascend to the world of the god Brahmā in the highest heavens (Size alternation)
According to the Iddhipada-vibhanga Sutta (SN 51.20)[6]
If I wish my body size can be expanded or make small.
Dissolve 5 elements and create a big or small body with me.
Having been one he becomes many; having been many he becomes one.
Only a Lord Buddha can preach dhamma to two different situations That means an Arahant can take 5 elements or an Aloka elements from the universe and create multiple bodies but only the Lord Budhdha can stay with same brain power and consciousness in such 2 bodies.
If I wish I can produce more bodies and represent each body as my own.
He appears. He vanishes.
He goes unimpeded through walls, ramparts, & mountains as if through space.Same as through the earth
He dives in and out of the Earth as if it were water.
He walks on water without sinking as if it were dry land.
Sitting crosslegged he flies through the air like a winged bird.
With his hand he touches & strokes even the sun & moon or any space objects, so mighty & powerful.
He exercises influence with his body even as far as the Akaniṣṭha Brahmā world.
Dissolve 5 or 4 elements and create a suitable body from the elements taken by the universe suitable or sustainable in the heaven or if necessary resourses like oxigen available stay with the same body
The Divine Eye (Clairvoyance)- this power allows one to see all beings in other realms whole existence as well as see the three periods of time known as past, present & future
This to be done
Necessarily you must see whole universe first.
I can see 100% accurately each beings thoughts how one thought affects to other once thought I can feel when they actually implement their thought practically due to the conditions of their thought process Likewise I can determine once action when it will be done.And determine the other persons action which influenced to that persons action I can predict what he or she will do for that action assessing the nature of that persons mind,body and other external factors.This will be done in a small time and predict the future.
Gain 32 special qualitites of Lord Buddha body this includes the brain ,body,bloods vains and skeleton specially to a Buddha
Creation of Such a body in a mother womb and my consciousness will catch it.
Some one can catch either male or female body like a tree catches the solid.
The Divine Ear (Clairaudience)- can hear any sound effects from infinite space
You have to see whole universe and decide which sound you must hear
Travel by Mind-Made Body (Astral Travel)
Dissolve whole body 5 elements and go to a state without any physical body like in Akasananasanyathana,newasanyanasanyaysthana,akinchayathsna,vinyanananasanuyayathdna and travel.
Travel with the Physical Body to any other place (Realms & dimensions)
Telekinesis (Supernormal Locomotion)
The ability to replicate one’s body
Penetration of others’ minds (Thought Reading
The power of Transformation
Earth element (pruṭhavī-dhātu)
Earth element represents the quality of solidity or attractive forces. Any matter where attractive forces are in prominence (solid bodies) are called earth elements. Internal earth elements include head hair, body hair, nails, teeth, skin, flesh, sinews, bone, organs, intestinal material, etc.[9]
(When I wish all of them will be vanished and appear as same or as I wish like in an another form or another place in the universe)
Water element (āpa-dhātu)
Water element represents the quality of liquidity or relative motion. Any matter where relative motion of particles is in prominence are called water elements. Internal water elements include bile, phlegm, pus, blood, sweat, fat, tears, nasal mucus, urine, semen, etc.[10]
(When I wish all of them will be vanished and appear as same or as I wish like in an another form or another place in the universe)
Fire element (teja-dhātu)
Fire element represents the quality of heat or energy. Any matter where energy is in prominence are called fire elements. Internal fire elements include those bodily mechanisms that produce physical warmth, ageing, digestion, etc.
(When I wish all of them will be vanished and appear as same or as I wish like in an another form or another place in the universe)
Air (or wind) element (vāyu-dhātu)
Air element represents the quality of expansion or repulsive forces. Any matter where repulsive forces are in prominence are called air elements. Internal air elements includes air associated with the pulmonary system (for example, for breathing), the intestinal system (“winds in the belly and bowels”), etc.
(When I wish all of them will be vanished and appear as same or as I wish like in an another form or another place in the universe)
Passing through solid objects
Diving in and out of the Earth as if through water
Walking on water
Touching the sun and the moon with one’s fingers
Becoming invisible
Recollection of past lives (some would call this a power, some would call it true knowledge)
Whether the inside of a Lord Buddhas body there is a process of killing micro organism for cure diseases or not is only known by an another Lord Budhdha only.No other person can know about it unless a lord Budhdha has preached about it in a dhamma.Lord Budhdha can know about it using the Anawarana interlligant.There is a possibility that no harmful micro-organism will atleast enter inside the Lord Budhdha,Pratyeka Budhdha or an Arahant Body.
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