My states of attaining Parinirvana

How many Worlds are available like the earth in whatever number of universe A Lord Buddha or Pratyeka Buddha could be arisen after the formation of that earth.Before that there may not be a Buddha So I might be unable to get the confirmation from any of them to be a future Lord Buddha,Pratyeka ,Buddha or an Arahant until Gautama Lord Buddha born.
Following Reasons for that
I might not meet the first Lord Buddha of any earth.
If met,That buddha also might tell that I will be unable to be until Gautama Buddha reborn.

2nd one Also might mentioned the same
3rd one also might mentioned the same
1000 = 28th Thanhankara Lord Buddha

I may be in the brahma world,heaven or any other realm when those lord Buddhas are born

Even I met any of Buddha ,Pratyeka Buddha I was not predicted by any Buddha,Pratyeka Buddha or an Arahant, me to be A Lord Buddha pratyeka Buddha or an Arahant, until Gautama Lord Buddha born.

Paramitha to be a Buddha completed probability
I may be in the waiting list

Paramitha to be a Pratyeka Budhdha
No until Budhdha,Kakusanda,Konagamana,Kashyapa Budhdha

Paramitha to be an Arahant probability yes
Not until Gautama Lord Budhdhas parinirvana or I might have missed previous buddhas due to unfortunate circumstances like not met any buddha eventhogh I have completed them.

Negative side
Paramitha to be a Lord Budhdha
Not completed

Paramitha to be a pratyeka Buddha
Not completed

Paramitha to be an Arahant
Not yet completed.






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